… on dessine des fractales (à la main bien entendu).
Voici le résultat : dossier de fractales
Pour ceux que ça intéresse, le code en Caml qui a permi de les générer :
#open "graphics";;
open_graph " 1024x768+0-0";;
(* HSV to RGB *)
let hsv h s v =
let c = v *. s in
let hh = (h mod 360)/60 in
let hhf = (mod_float (float_of_int h) 360.) /. 60. in
let x = c *. (1. -. (abs_float (mod_float hhf 2. -. 1.))) in
let m = v -. c in
let cc = int_of_float ((c +. m) *. 255.) in
let xx = int_of_float ((x +. m) *. 255.) in
let mm = int_of_float (m *. 255.) in
match hh with
| 0 -> rgb cc xx mm
| 1 -> rgb xx cc mm
| 2 -> rgb mm cc xx
| 3 -> rgb mm xx cc
| 4 -> rgb xx mm cc
| 5 -> rgb cc mm xx
| _ -> rgb mm mm mm;;
(* complex numbers *)
let zeroC = (0., 0.);;
let addC (a, b) (c, d) = (a+.c, b+.d);;
let mulC (a, b) (c, d) = (a*.c -. b*.d, a*.d +. b*.c);;
let absC (a, b) = sqrt(a**2. +. b**2.);;
(* drawing *)
let pos (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) (x, y) =
let pos_inv (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) (x, y) =
(* mandelbrot & julia fractal *)
let iter = 300;;
let color_frac n =
if n = iter then set_color black
else set_color (hsv (n*4+200) 0.7 0.6);;
let mandel_pt c =
let rec aux z n =
if n = iter then n
else if absC z >= 2. then n
else aux (addC (mulC z z) c) (n+1)
aux zeroC 0;;
let mandel repere =
for i = 0 to size_x() do
for j = 0 to size_y() do
let x, y = pos_inv repere (i, j) in
let n = mandel_pt (x, y) in
let px, py = pos repere (x, y) in
color_frac n;
plot i j
set_color black;
moveto 10 10;
draw_string ("mandelbrot iter = " ^ (string_of_int iter)) ;;
let julia_pt c z0 =
let rec aux z n =
if n = iter then n
else if absC(z) >= 2. then n
else aux ((addC (mulC z z) c)) (n+1)
in aux z0 0;;
let julia repere (a, b) =
(* clear_graph(); *)
for i = 0 to size_x() do
for j = 0 to size_y() do
let x, y = pos_inv repere (i, j) in
let n = julia_pt (a, b) (x, y) in
let px, py = pos repere (x, y) in
color_frac n;
plot i j
set_color black;
moveto 10 10;
draw_string ("julia " ^ (string_of_float a)
^ " + " ^ (string_of_float b)
^ "i iter = " ^ (string_of_int iter));;
let repere = (-.1.6, 1.6, -.1.5, 1.5);;
mandel repere;;
julia repere (0.3, 0.01);;
julia repere (0.3, 0.024);;
julia repere (0.33, 0.024);;
julia repere (0.18, 0.7);;
julia repere (-.0.54, 0.55);;
julia repere (-0.4, 0.6);;
julia repere (0.285, 0.01);;
julia repere (-0.70176, 0.3842);;
julia repere (-0.835, 0.2321);;
julia repere (-0.8, 0.156);;
Pour pouvoir profiter du spectacle, je vous invite à utiliser ce code avec un IDE permettant l’execution pas-à-pas du code (LinCaml, WinCaml ou autre MacCaml), ou à le rentrer directement à l’invite OCaml.